Wacky Wednesday!

Following with our Dr Seuss fun this week, today was Wacky Wednesday.  Have you ever read that book?  The kids LOVE picking out all the wacky things on the pages.  Before I introduced the book I had the kiddos search all around the house for things that looked wacky.  They found a shoe on the wall, socks in the tissue box, socks hanging from our plant and mirror, bananas in a water pitcher, and “donkey tails” on a frames throughout the house.  They (kids) came dressed all wacky to go with our theme for the day, and let me tell you…..they were rockin’ those clothes!  I wish the picture below showed more of their outfits, because they were awesome!  This morning was SOOO much fun!


Time for a wacky snacky


 Coloring UNDER the table is wacky!


Eating with sticks (coffee stir sticks) and straws IS wacky!
